We welcome contributions of new data or corrections to current data.
To correct current data or comment on other aspects of the site, please use the Contact Us form. Note that it will be easier to make corrections if you give us the record number of the MLD record that you wish to correct.
There are three ways to contribute new data:
(1) Fill out our Excel MLD Datasheet for Contributors and email us the file with your data. For further guidance, see the notes attached to the fields on the spreadsheet, and our Database Guide. If you have specific questions, email us via the Contact Us form.
(2) You can send your own file with your records on medieval Londoners; we prefer .csv or Excel files, but will accept other file formats such as Word, Access, and FilemakerPro. Files that most closely replicate our database structure will be loaded first since it will take longer to modify other files to fit our data structure.
(3) Go to the Contribute Records form and fill in as many of the fields as possible with information for one person at a time. If you have questions or wish to make other contributions, please use the Contact Us form.
NOTE: In order to contribute, you must read and agree to the Terms and Conditions. [(forthcoming)